Monday, January 25, 2010

Erica's New House

This post is for Dad, Devin, Shannon, Monica and Trisha, so they can see a little bit of Erica's new house. Keep in mind, it's the middle of winter, but come spring and summer, the landscaping here is beautiful!
This picture was to show where the shop is in relation to the house. The driveway is a giant circle. You can only see a portion here.

Here is the house only, not showing the garage.

This is the back patio, which comes off the kitchen in the back of the house. It can also be seen from the master and one of the bedrooms.

Looking from the kitchen to the playroom upstairs, and an extra living room area downstairs.

4H Horse Bowl

Here we are at horse bowl!!! Waiting for our turn! Go Instide!!
Here are some of our girls right before the competition begins. They ended up placing fourth as a team. A great job!

There were oral presentations going on that day as well. This team got reserve champion, and so did another one of our team members in a different division.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Party! Party! Party!

The first of Sydney's parties was at school. This was cupcakes brought in by another parent. I brought in drinks and balloons.
In her kindergarden class

This is the cake I made for her party at home with friends.

Waiting for guests to arrive.

Party games.

All the friends went to the park.

Playing at the playground.

The pinata.

Diving for candy.

The Princess and the Pea

Sydney was in a play called The Princess and the Pea. The production was put on in only one week. So there were rehearsals every night for several hours. This is one of the rehearsals.
Lots of waiting for Sydney. Aunt Lindsey helped entertain the kids.

Getting into costume on preformance day. Sydney's role was that of a "dust bunny".

Eating lunch between the two shows.

On Stage

The whole cast

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thanks, Uncle Lucas!

The kids got money for Christmas from Uncle Lucas. We spent a long time in Toys R Us trying the make the difficult decision. But they ended up happy with their choice.

New Years's Eve Slumber Party

Sydney got to have two friends sleep over on New Year's Eve! This was her first slumber party! First was had pizza (the friends are twin sisters).

Next we watched a movie and ate popcorn. The girls stayed up to 10pm, which is longer than I expected!

Beauty and the Beast

Sydney and I got to go to a production of Beauty and the Beast. One my good friends was cast as Mrs. Potts in the show.

Before the show.

Meeting the cast afterwards, this is Gaston.



Our friend, Amy Jo, as Mrs. Potts

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Morning

Santa brought a new train for the family!

Wait...don't open anything and until I take a picture!

After presents we had gingerbread waffles. I need a new receipe though, because these weren't very good and the kids hardly ate them.

Christmas Eve

We had the Halliday family over for Christmas eve. Here are the kids dancing to music provided by Lance. Most of us took turns performing in our Christmas "program".

After the "program", the kids acted out the nativity scene.
Sydney was Mary, and Tyson was Joseph.

Here is the stable I made out of cardboard.

December in our New House

Sydney loves bubble gum, and of course, blowing big bubbles.
The kids were pretending to be christmas trees,
so they were wrapping themselves up in lights.

Anytime it's not raining, the kids love to go play in the empty lot next to our house. There's a bunch of construction stuff laying around, which makes it even more exciting!

Making gingerbread houses, and silly faces.
Sydney's getting good at being cross-eyed!

Carson loves to feed himself. I wonder how much he actually eats?

Friday, January 1, 2010


We always try to take a family picture at Thanksgiving time to use for our Christmas card.
This is the picture we chose this time.

Aunt Lindsey came to visit during Thanksgiving.
The kids loved having an extra playmate.

It was the first Thanksgiving dinner I made by myself. Usually I spend it at my mom's, but this year we wanted to enjoy our new house. I even got to use my own china finally!